Ceramic Knife Video


Videos of Ceramic Knives - Chef's Do That



From the Rocknife Production Team – a fun attempt at Viral Marketing – we want you to share this video... go on, you know you want to.


The Rocknife Production Team

We’re the Rocknife Production Team. How do we start this – it’s all in the story – right? So, Damian had the idea, taken from Geena Davis’ epic performance in the film “The Long Kiss Goodnight”. From that, the team went over to a house with a smart kitchen and spent a fun filled 3 hours filming.

As expected, the footage was highly questionable… at which point Madeleine took the initiative and the raw footage, ramped up the speed in a parody of the recent, but classic sepia film “The Artist”. The result for us was no longer comparable to anything that we might have taken inspiration from – it’s now our own.

Please share our efforts


It won't hurt any of your friends if they see this, what could possibly go wrong, you've got humour, daring, cuteness, originality. What more could you want?


If you love the moment then you’ll love Twitter, and your friends will love you for sharing this with them. It is the perfect Twitter material for anyone looking to entertain your followers.


I guess you could share us on Instagram - but that won't actually work will it? StumbleUpon makes a great place to save this page for later while at the same time as giving millions more the chance to view our Video - we like that!


Least we ignore YouTube - but please take it all a step further - visit the Rocknife Channel and make sure you subscribe to our channel, that way, we can send you the next Video, and the next and the next and the next...