That time of year spent betwixt and between blessed relief and sudden panic! The little ones are heading back to school and suddenly the fridges and cupboards need to go from lazy morning brunches and BBQ lunches to well thought out, nutritionally balanced and interesting ingredients to prepare the little darlings for the year ahead.
Not only that, you’re supposed to keep the whole lot fresh, all day long! Well, being that the Rocknife family is full of Children here are some of our favourite hacks to get you through the transition period. We also recommend Gin, for the adults of course. Ahem.
Spongebag Icepack

This is such a good idea!! Tunafish sarnies? Ham rolls? Yoghurt pots and cheese sticks? Use this genius method to keep the little blighters in full health as our Indian summers stretch out long into September.
Spanish Omelette

This sandwich alternative from is perfect for leftovers! Packed with Protein and calcium, you cant go wrong. Serve with wholemeal bread or pitta for some slow-release cabs that will keep their minds whirling all afternoon.
Rainbow Pizza

Speaks for itself really, doesn’t it? With prep time coming in seriously easy 15 minutes, followed by 25 minutes in the oven, this is a great last minute supper or next day lunch. have recommended a vegetable version accompanied with some good looking health-stats! But you can change it up and add some lean chicken or salami if your heart, and your children, desire.
The recipe is from an American site but easily translatable into metric measurements and ingredients substituted for ones available in shops throughout the UK.
Let the Kids Choose

Another one from across the pond, but this is a great idea, cut out half the hassle an avoid having left overs in their lunchboxes!
The Krazy Coupon Lady Knows how to prioritise and pass a little independence down the line.
Don’t forget you to use your Rocknife when cutting and slicing all that fruit and veg! Top tip: Use the Rocknife on a plastic or wooden surface to score tin foil and cut cling film.
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